Please contact us via email if you’d like to join or have a question.

New Members please email PRIOR to attending to receive all relevant joining information prior to attending.

New Members please arrive at 9.00am on your first day to complete you membership.

At the Malvern Branch of the German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria we help you train your dog or puppy with positive, reward based, motivational training that is fun for your Dog (and you).
Malvern training is held at Waverley Oval, 425 Waverley Rd East Malvern (cnr Malvern & Waverley Rds) on Sunday mornings.
ALL training classes begin at 9.30am. Please arrive early, by 9.15am, thanks.

What Can You Do and Learn?

Training is fun, and your dog is rewarded throughout the training session.
Rewards can be food, a favourite toy or object or verbal praise. Make sure you bring any or all of them each week.
Training your dog involves learning all of the following then you will have a well behaved dog.
• Socialising with other dogs
• Focus and Watch Me
• Sit, Drop and Stand
• Recall (come back when called!)
• Walking calmly and Heeling
• Praise and Play
• Leave
• Problem Solving
• Meet other like minded GSD owners and their dogs and puppies